Supernal Grace: Live Powerfully In Timeless And Boundless Success

Supernal Grace: Live Powerfully In Timeless And Boundless Success

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There is no place for STALLED destinies in heaven!

Your destiny in life is settled from before the world began.

The problem is there are spiritual forces that war against this destiny to try and detour and deter you from it.

The good news is you can win all the time!

God created us with His greatness so that we can live a life of timeless and boundless success.

God is GREAT.

The same great God chose to design you as a being that is compatible to house His fullness!

We are fully loaded with everything that we need to experience destiny and live our lives to the full.

But religion, teachings, conditionings, struggles, challenges and cares of this world can leave us searching for fulfillment outside of where true fulfillment lies.

In her groundbreaking book, Supernal Grace, Elenah Kangara shows you how to come back to yourself to rediscover your destiny and treasures that are not somewhere out there but waiting in the place where you are looking from.

Supernal Grace leads you to begin to experience the reality of what God imagined you to be from before the world began.

With riveting compassion birthed from detours, deeply personal struggles, and ultimate victories in life, Elenah Kangara calls us to encounter redeeming love and experience:

Being vs becoming

Supernal vs natural

Having vs searching

Discovering vs blind acceptance

Having life vs living life

Knowing vs learning

Spiritual understanding vs logical understanding

Don't wait.

Start confronting the detours in your life today.

Read this book and unlock your destiny; your creative, free, abundant life full of the flavor of God!