Ellinomatheia - Greek Certificate
Center for the Greek language: Profile and basic information
Τhe Center for the Greek Language (CGL) functions since 1994, in Thessaloniki. It constitutes a research institute of the Hellenic Ministry of Education, as a public legal person governed by private law, and consists of four divisions with reference to the Greek language in all its forms, as well as in all the stages of its history:
- Division of Lexicography
- Division of Linguistics
- Division for the Support and Promotion of the Greek Language
- Division of Language & Literature
The third division of the CGL, the Division the Support and Promotion of the Greek Language aims to promote, certify and support Greek as a second/foreign language through its exams of attainment in Greek, for general and special purposes, as well as through the production of educational material, the training of the teachers and its cooperation with 160 exam centers worldwide.
The websites of the CGL
The CGL has organized and operates a digital world of websites, webpages and applications with an intense presence on the web. All its websites have been organized mainly through co-funded EU programmes and adapt to the requirements set by cutting-edge technologies.
The main website of the CGL is the Portal for the Greek Language, on www.greek-language.gr. The Portal receives millions of visits every year and offers, free of charge, to every guest who studies, learns and is generally interested in Greek:
- online dictionaries,
- digital resources,
- banks of texts,
- studies, guides and sources
- e-tools,
- texts and applications for Ancient, Medieval and Modern Greek, as well as for Greek as a second/foreign language.
Certification of the attainment in Greek: website and web resources
A special website has been designed and organized for the purposes of the support of the Greek language certification and of learning Greek as a second/foreign language at:
This website is dedicated to Greek as a second/foreign language and comprises:
- All the information on the examinations of the attainment on Greek on all the common reference levels for Greek (A1 to C2 of the CEFR), as well as on the exam centres,
- diagnostic e-tests,
- text banks for every skill (e.g. reading) and level of Greek,
- e-registration for the exams,
- e-registration and access to all resources,
- studies on teaching Greek as a second/foreign language, teaching proposals and scripts,
- audiovisual material and many videos on the subject fields and thematic areas of learning Greek,
- a special site on Greek for people with disability.
Exams for the attainment in Greek
Concerning the examinations of the attainment in Greek, thousands of candidates from all over the world take part in these exams. Candidates may submit their application for participation individually or they may register at their closest exam centre.
The CGL exams constitute the official and recognized certification in Greek on behalf of the Greek state and the certificate is useful for many reasons, either for work or for studies.
Candidates and all Greek language learners, as well as all teachers who teach Greek as an L2/FL, scientists and researchers may use the aforementioned e-material.
The series CLICK (KLIK) in Greek (ΚΛΙK στα ελληνικά): a textbook in printed and e-version
Likewise, the series of the textbooks "ΚΛΙΚ στα ελληνικά” on levels A1 (for kids), A1 (for teens and adults), B1, B2 has been prepared and published; it is available for orders and constitutes the most successful series of textbooks in the market. Levels C1 and C2 are under preparation.
The KLIK series in Greek, as a best-seller in its category is available electronically, while the CGL has been preparing its google play application (entitled KLIK app), which is in every way compatible to PCs and tablets.
Τhe KLIK app makes learning Greek easy, offers interactive learning and is based on the very interesting thematic fields covered by the Greek language levels. The KLIK App:
- constitutes a digital application for learning Greek as a second/foreign language destined for everyone who is taught Modern Greek within/outside Greece.
- follows up on the series of textbook “KLIK in Greek” («ΚΛΙΚ στα Ελληνικά») on the basis of the common European levels of reference for Greek, which have been prepared and written by the Centre for the Greek Language for learning Greek as a second/foreign language and it aims to enhance the efficiency of the specific series.
- comprises 2000 interactive activities and covers a wide range of activities and exercises: True/False, Multiple choice items, Fill-in the gaps, Matching, Grouping, Forming and reforming words/phrases, games of Cryptolex and Crosswords, Writing activities
The Centre for the Greek Language: training activities and material
Overall the Centre for the Greek Language is active in all fields which pertain to Greek, with rich material, such as “Anemoskala” («Ανεμόσκαλα») which provides access to the work of the major Greek poets of the 19th and 20th Century (http://www.greek-language.gr/Resources/literature/tools/concordance/), as well as the e-stories site (http://www.e-istories.gr/) that supports the reading and teaching of literature to primary school pupils.
In brief, the Centre for the Greek Language (CGL) functions as the Greek state-recognized and official body for Greek within Greece and abroad, on a global level. The CGL supports Greek learning and speaking in teaching, learning, assessment, studies, research and language policy, and it makes use of all the available technologies by having at its disposal experienced, active and perfectly trained scientific personnel. It has furthermore undertaken the training of teachers by its programme “Routes in teaching Greek as a second/foreign language” («Διαδρομές στη διδασκαλία της ελληνικής ως δεύτερης/ξένης γλώσσας») at http://www.greek-language.gr/routes/ and http://diadromes.greek-language.gr/ .
Thus, the CGL is the ambassador for the Greek Language on a global level and a universe of knowledge, applications and language treasures that you should get to know.
Visit our main websites, here:
www.greek-language.gr (Πύλη) , http://www.greek-language.gr/certification (Πιστοποίηση)
http://www.greek-language.gr/digitalResources/ (Ψηφίδες)
and discover the Centre for the Greek Language.
For any further information: centre@komvos.edu.gr
The text was written by: Ms. Anna Kokkinidou, detached teacher-jurist, scientific associate of the Division for the Support and Promotion of the Greek Language of the CGL, Ph.D. Candidate of the Democritus University of Thrace.